
What is Dental Bonding? What You Need to Know

What is Dental Bonding? What You Need to Know If you’re unhappy with your smile due to gaps between your teeth, chips, or other minor cosmetic imperfections, then you may want to consider dental bonding. This cosmetic procedure is often a viable option for patients who want to…

Why Would I Need a Dental X-Ray?

Dental x-rays are one of the most common procedures your dentist may perform, and are a vital part of any pre-treatment exam for many dental problems. However, do you know what these x-rays actually show? Dental x-rays are a powerful tool that can help your dentist see potential weaknesses,…

Is Fluoride Safe for My Family?

Fluoride has been used in water supplies throughout Australia for around 50 years. Water fluoridation has had such an impact on reducing tooth decay that the practise is endorsed by the Australian Dental Association. Despite the benefits and cost-effectiveness of fluoride in keeping teeth healthy, many patients are still…

Get Wise on Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth are the third and final molars. Although they come in last, they’re an essential part of your dental health. Why They’re Removed These teeth come in between 16 and 24 years old. They come with age; therefore, they have the name ‘wisdom teeth’. In rare cases,…

4 Questions about Teeth Whitening – and their answers!

Have a special occasion ahead – or just want a brighter, whiter smile? Either way, tooth whitening can help! Learning more about the process and what to expect from it can help you get results you’ll love. We’ve compiled some of the questions our patients ask most often…

Flossing correctly

Simply brushing your teeth twice a day is not enough to maintain optimal dental health. About half of the tooth’s surface is between the teeth, so if you skip flossing, you are leaving a large area exposed to decay. Add flossing to your daily routine with these easy tips.…

Children’s Dentistry: Sealants Provide Powerful Protection

Dentists often recommend sealants for children and adolescents. What are sealants? Why might your child need them? How do sealants protect teeth? Read on to get the facts about dental sealants. What are dental sealants? Dental sealants are a way of protecting teeth from decay. A dental provider…

Emergency Dentistry: Chipped or Broken Teeth

Sometimes people never know they’ve chipped or broken a tooth. They bite into something yummy, and swallow the chipped part unknowingly. Others trip and fall on a sidewalk, concrete floor or the gym floor. These folks often know instantly that their teeth are chipped or broken. Others get…

Childrens Dentistry: Tips to Get Through the Early Years

As a parent, we only want what is best for our kids and provide them with the proper nutrition and comfort they need. In most cases, children begin getting teeth well before weaning from a bottle or breastfeeding. This can pose an obstacle when it comes to proper…

Get Wise about Wisdom Teeth: The Ultimate Patient Guide

So, you have to get your wisdom teeth removed. It’s totally common and nothing to freak out about! In fact, many people consider it to be a normal and healthy (albeit uncomfortable) part of becoming an adult. To most teens, wisdom tooth removal is a rite of passage,…

How To Brush Your Teeth Effectively

Brushing your teeth, the right way is key to maintaining great dental health, and preventing costly repairs. You’ll find some helpful tips below. Get the right toothbrush and paste – Your brushing efforts are most effective when done with the correct toothbrush. A good brush has soft bristles and…

What if My Child has a Toothache?

Childrens dentistry includes regular checkups to reduce the reasons your child develops problems with their teeth and gums, but what do you do between visits if your child has a toothache? Sometimes a toothache is caused by a cavity or a broken tooth, but frequently it is the result…